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USBP Open recruitment

Event details


<:depthubUSBP:1026728496212484146> United States Border Patrol <:depthubUSBP:1026728496212484146>
within border patrol our #1 rule is operating as a family & within our family we have many benefits if you can think it we can do it!!! We're a Main Federal Department that is very active and have the following.

<:depthubUSBP:1026728496212484146> - Custom EUP (Including female options)
<:depthubUSBP:1026728496212484146> - Custom Vehicles & Including livery's (Including some BP options and more coming in)
<:depthubUSBP:1026728496212484146> - Tactical Team (BORTAC, Including Special Operations Group & More)
<:depthubUSBP:1026728496212484146> - Certifications Academy (H.E.A.T, Offroad, K9, MBU & Undercover Certifications)
<:depthubUSBP:1026728496212484146> - Air & Marine Operations
<:depthubUSBP:1026728496212484146> - Field Training Department 

Our Responsibility's & Jurisdiction.
Our daily responsibility's consist of many things like, patrolling around LA or BC, Investigating Scenes, Dealing with Weapon or drug trafficking, Setting up with our certifications, & setting up at our custom checkpoint!!! If this sounds like a good time to you then join today!!!!



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