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    10 May 2024 08:00 PM

    ⚓  **__U.S. Navy Discord Open Recruitment__** ⚓ 
    *Are you looking to become apart of a DOD department? Well, today is your lucky day, U.S. Navy is having a open recruitment happening right now. U.S. Navy is a main DOD department that protects the sea, and the air.*
    **__U.S. Navy Subdivision__**
    *U.S. Navy has multiple subdivision that can offer a lot of things, the following subdivision are below;*
    **NAF | Naval Air Force** - *Provides combat ready, sustainable naval air forces with the right personnel, properly trained and equipped, with a focus on readiness, operational excellence, interoperability, safety, and efficient resourcing.*
    **NSF | Naval Security Forces** - The Maritime Expeditionary Security Force is a force within the United States Navy under the organizational structure of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command.
    **NS | Navy Seals** - *n the U.S. Navy, a member of a special operations armed force trained to engage in direct raids or assaults on enemy targets, conduct reconnaissance missions to report on enemy activity (especially prior to beach landings), and take part in action against terrorist groups.*
    **If you wish to join the United States Navy, join **I'm 

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    Department Recruitments
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